Services and Basic JOb Description

The following is what we consider to be a “basic job description”, all aspects of which are included in our basic fee. As you will see, it is quite comprehensive and is considered by many of our clients to be all they need to operate effectively. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more than happy to get together with your council and discuss their needs.

  • Maintain a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,  mobile phone service with direct contact to your assigned council assistant.
  • Prepare and distribute notices of AGM.
  • Attend the AGM, and council meetings as determined by Council – maximum 90 minutes duration.
  • Prepare and submit monthly financial statements to Council.
  • Provide the treasurer with copies of Corporation bank statements and reconciliation.
  • Collect all assessments and special assessments for deposit to the Corporation’s accounts.
  • Keep Council advised of all delinquent accounts.
  • Subject to Council approval collect all delinquent accounts using such measures as deemed appropriate.
  • Review all invoices and prepare cheques for signing by two Council members.
  • Prepare and submit end of year tax returns.
  • Complete all regulatory reports.
  • Prepare year-end statement of operations and contingency account.
  • Prepare the annual budget for council approval prior to presentation at the AGM.
  • Upon request, assist Council in the selection of on-site employees and/or contractual services.
  • Assist Council to establish and activate preventative routine maintenance schedules.
  • Assist Council to monitor the performance of all services provided to the Corporation.
  • Assist Council to monitor the maintenance and control of all common areas and equipment – standard of maintenance and safety to be kept at the highest practical level to ensure retention of property values.
  • As requested and subject to Council approval, establish, update, and maintain all Corporation contracts, Insurance policies and agreements.
  • Assist Council with problems pertaining to the Corporation, common property, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations.
  • Maintain a complete set of financial records on site for two years, thereafter all records will be returned to the Corporation for storage and safekeeping.
  • Upon request and subject to council approval, assist Council to obtain a contingency plan and cash flow projection to accommodate future short and long-term expenses.